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Terminal de Datos Motorola MC9190-G Handheld

Número de parte:  MC9190-GMC9190-G

Nueva evolucion de su linea antecesora - La Motorola MC9190-G es una computadora movil de mas uso rudo, mas poderosa y con una pantalla de mayor resolucion, con un desempeño de lectura mejor y mas opciones de captura que su predecesor. Este modelo le dotara a sus empleados con la habilidad para procesar unformacion y tomar acciones rapida y atinadamente. El MC9190-G es un modelo recomendable aun para ambientes adversos donde es necesario un equipo que sea robusto y sobre todo confiable.



Los sistemas operativos móviles más avanzados

Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.5 aumenta la interoperabilidad con la infraestructura empresarial existente, ofrece una interfaz de usuario familiar y un entorno de desarrollo flexible, y admite muchas aplicaciones comerciales disponibles para la venta. Microsoft WinCE 6.0 brinda una plataforma robusta para el desarrollo de aplicaciones personalizadas.


Potente microprocesador diseñado para facilitar la movilidad

El Marvell PXA320 de 806 MHz ofrece el mejor rendimiento de un equipo de escritorio sin consumir carga de batería, incluso con las aplicaciones multimedia más exigentes.


Memoria compatible con cualquier aplicación

Los 256 MB de RAM/1 GB de memoria flash y una ranura para tarjeta SD accesible para el usuario que admite hasta 32 GB ofrecen el espacio en la memoria necesario para un sólido rendimiento de las aplicaciones de base de datos y otras aplicaciones de procesamiento de datos intensivo.



Compatibilidad con cualquier LAN inalámbrica

El radio 802.11a/b/g de modo triple se conecta a WLAN de 2.4 GHz y de 5 GHz para ofrecer una conectividad de voz y datos de bajo costo en la oficina y en los lugares de acceso público. La compatibilidad con 802.11a (banda de 5 GHz) permite segmentar el tráfico de voz para garantizar la calidad de voz. La solución VoWLAN admite aplicaciones de voz y comandas por voz de bajo costo.


La funcionalidad Bluetooth más avanzada

La tecnología Bluetooth v2.1 con EDR permite la conexión inalámbrica con más tipos de dispositivos (incluidos módems, impresoras, auriculares, etc.), simplifica el emparejamiento, mejora la seguridad y reduce el consumo de energía.



Asegúrese de que únicamente usuarios autorizados accedan a sus dispositivos, sus datos y su red.

Disfrute de la misma seguridad que tienen la comunicaciones con cable sin afectar el rendimiento inalámbrico, mediante numerosas características de seguridad que incluyen: certificación y compatibilidad nativa FIPS 140-2 nivel 1; compatibilidad con todos los protocolos de cifrado y autenticación más recientes; compatibilidad con el paquete Mobile Security Suite de Motorola para protección al nivel del dispositivo (el firewall al nivel del dispositivo, la prevención de intrusiones, la autenticación impuesta, el cifrado de datos y el monitoreo de la integridad protegen los datos residentes y en tránsito hacia y desde los dispositivos MC9190-G) y compatibilidad con redes privadas virtuales móviles (MVPN) de Motorola.



Motorola MAX Rugged ofrece un diseño resistente líder en la industria, y confiabilidad.

Prueba de caídas (impacto): múltiples caídas sobre hormigón desde 6 pies/1,8 m en todo el rango de temperaturas operativas; cumple ampliamente con las especificaciones MIL-STD 810 G

Prueba de tumbos (resistencia): operación confiable después de 2000 tumbos consecutivos de 3.28 pies/1 m (4000 golpes) en el tambor de tumbos de Motorola

Sellado IP64: protección total contra el polvo y las salpicaduras de líquidos


Motorola MAX Data Capture permite una captura de alto rendimiento de cualquier tipo de código de barras.

Seis opciones de lectura le permiten elegir el modelo que ofrecerá el mejor rendimiento en cada una de las aplicaciones:


Escáneres 1D

SE960: escaneado 1D de alto rendimiento. El escaneado adaptable maximiza el alcance y permite escanear códigos dañados o debajo de envolturas plásticas.


SE1524-ER: Lectura de gran alcance (hasta 45 pies/13,71 m) de códigos 1D de densidad baja y media, incluidos los códigos que están dañados o debajo de envolturas plásticas.


Lector Imager 2D


SE4500-SR: Digitalización omnidireccional de códigos 1D o 2D de densidad baja o media

SE4600: Digitalización omnidireccional de gran alcance de códigos 1D o 2D, desde una cercanía de 20,32 cm a 9,14 m


Lectores especializados

SE4500-DL: Digitalización omnidireccional de códigos 1D o 2D de densidad media a alta y códigos PDF grandes de licencias de conducir y otras tarjetas de identificación para accesos de entradas y cruces de fronteras


SE4500-HD: Digitalización omnidireccional de marcas directas en piezas directas para el seguimiento y el rastreo en la fabricación automática y aeroespacial, y la lectura de cualquier código de alta densidad 1D y 2D


Motorola MAX Sensor para detectar, y actuar, sobre el movimiento

La pantalla gira automáticamente para coincidir con la orientación del dispositivo a fin de aumentar el área de visualización; se apaga cuando no está en uso para preservar la carga de la batería; registra automáticamente cualquier caída desde 1,21 m para mejorar la contabilidad del usuario y la reparación de fallas; facilita el uso de datos del sensor en aplicaciones personalizadas, como "emergencia"



Diseño ergonómico estilo pistola para una mayor comodidad y facilidad de uso

Especialmente diseñado para la comodidad diaria en las aplicaciones de digitalización más intensas.


Texto y gráficos transparentes

La mejor pantalla táctil de 3.7 pulg., de alta resolución, con entrada VGA y luz de fondo que permite una increíble legibilidad independientemente del tipo de iluminación, desde una luz solar brillante a una oscuridad total.


Cambie los teclados en minutos con Motorola MAX Keypad.

Una familia de seis teclados intercambiables facilita el ingreso de datos para cualquier tipo de aplicación. Si cambian los requisitos de ingreso o se daña el teclado, la arquitectura modular le permite cambiar el teclado en minutos, en el mismo lugar.


Administración de activos sin esfuerzo

Un lector RFID UHF de etiquetas EPC Gen2 permite el seguimiento no táctil de dispositivos en tiempo real.


Compatibilidad con versiones anteriores de todos los accesorios MC9000

Actualícese con los avances más recientes de la tecnología móvil mientras protege sus inversiones existentes en accesorios.


Portabilidad sencilla de aplicaciones existentes de la Serie MC9000

Una plataforma común asegura la portabilidad veloz de sus aplicaciones MC9000 existentes al modelo MC9190-G. Esto le permite aprovechar la última tecnología y, al mismo tiempo, preservar las inversiones en aplicaciones actuales.



Administración remota global sencilla de los dispositivos y de sus accesorios

La compatibilidad con la plataforma de servicios de movilidad (MSP) de Motorola posibilita una administración centralizada completa y flexible de terminales móviles y sus componentes periféricos, en cualquier lugar del mundo y desde una única consola.



Aumente el tiempo de actividad y reduzca los costos de asistencia con un plan de asistencia con todo incluido.

El plano de servicio opcional Service from the Start con cobertura completa cubre el desgaste normal y los componentes internos y externos que se dañen por roturas accidentales, ya sea el dispositivo como ciertos accesorios selectos.

# No. de Parte Descripción Cotizar
1 MC9190-GJ0SWJYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53-5250 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
2 MC9190-GJ0SWJQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53-5250 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
3 MC9190-GJ0SWHQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53-3270 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
4 MC9190-GJ0SWGYC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53 key-VT. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
5 MC9190-GJ0SWGYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
6 MC9190-GJ0SWGQC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
7 MC9190-GJ0SWGQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
8 MC9190-GJ0SWFYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 43 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
9 MC9190-GJ0SWFQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 43 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
10 MC9190-GJ0SWEYC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
11 MC9190-GJ0SWEYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
12 MC9190-GJ0SWEQC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
13 MC9190-GJ0SWEQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
14 MC9190-GJ0SWAQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser SE1524ER, 28 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
15 MC9190-GA0SWJYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53-5250 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
16 MC9190-GA0SWJQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53-5250 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
17 MC9190-GA0SWHQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53-3270 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
18 MC9190-GA0SWGYC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53 key-VT. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
19 MC9190-GA0SWGYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
20 MC9190-GA0SWGQC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
21 MC9190-GA0SWGQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
22 MC9190-GA0SWFYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 43 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
23 MC9190-GA0SWFQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 43 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
24 MC9190-GA0SWEYC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
25 MC9190-GA0SWEYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
26 MC9190-GA0SWEQC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
27 MC9190-GA0SWEQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53 key, cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
28 MC9190-GA0SWAYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 28 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
29 MC9190-GA0SWAQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 28 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
30 MC9190-G90SWJYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53-5250 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
31 MC9190-G90SWJQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53-5250 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
32 MC9190-G90SWGYC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53 key-VT. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
33 MC9190-G90SWGYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
34 MC9190-G90SWGQC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
35 MC9190-G90SWGQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
36 MC9190-G90SWFYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 43 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
37 MC9190-G90SWFQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 43 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
38 MC9190-G90SWEYC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
39 MC9190-G90SWEYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
40 MC9190-G90SWEQC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
41 MC9190-G90SWEQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
42 MC9190-G80SWEYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager-DL SE4500-DL, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
43 MC9190-G80SWEQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager-DL SE4500-DL, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
44 MC9190-G50SWEYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager-DPM SE4500-HD, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
45 MC9190-G50SWEQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager-DPM SE4500-HD, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
46 MC9190-G30SWGYC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 53 key-VT. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
47 MC9190-G30SWGYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
48 MC9190-G30SWGQC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
49 MC9190-G30SWGQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 53-VT Key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
50 MC9190-G30SWFYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 43 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
51 MC9190-G30SWFQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 43 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
52 MC9190-G30SWEYC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
53 MC9190-G30SWEYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
54 MC9190-G30SWEQC6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
55 MC9190-G30SWEQA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
56 MC9190-G30SWAYA6WR-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 28 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
57 MC9190-GA0SWEYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
58 MC9190-GA0SWFYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 43 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
59 MC9190-GA0SWAYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 28 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
60 MC9190-GA0SWGYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
61 MC9190-GA0SWJYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53-5250 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
62 MC9190-GJ0SWEYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
63 MC9190-GJ0SWFYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 43 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
64 MC9190-GJ0SWGYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
65 MC9190-GJ0SWJYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53-5250 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
66 MC9190-G30SWEYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
67 MC9190-G30SWFYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 43 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
68 MC9190-G30SWGYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
69 MC9190-G30SWAYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 28 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
70 MC9190-G90SWEYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
71 MC9190-G90SWFYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 43 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
72 MC9190-G90SWGYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
73 MC9190-G90SWJYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53-5250 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
74 MC9190-G80SWEYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager-DL (SE4500-DL), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
75 MC9190-G50SWEYA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager-DPM (SE4500-HD), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
76 MC9190-GA0SWEYC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
77 MC9190-GA0SWGYC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53 key-VT. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
78 MC9190-GJ0SWGYC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53 key-VT. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
79 MC9190-GJ0SWEYC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
80 MC9190-G30SWEYC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
81 MC9190-G30SWGYC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 53 key-VT. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
82 MC9190-G90SWEYC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
83 MC9190-G90SWGYC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53 key-VT. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
84 MC9190-GA0SWEQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
85 MC9190-GA0SWFQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 43 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
86 MC9190-GA0SWAQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 28 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
87 MC9190-GA0SWGQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
88 MC9190-GA0SWHQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53-3270 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
89 MC9190-GA0SWJQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53-5250 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
90 MC9190-GJ0SWEQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
91 MC9190-GJ0SWFQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 43 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
92 MC9190-GJ0SWAQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 28 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
93 MC9190-GJ0SWGQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
94 MC9190-GJ0SWHQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53-3270 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
95 MC9190-GJ0SWJQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53-5250 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
96 MC9190-G30SWEQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
97 MC9190-G30SWFQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 43 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
98 MC9190-G30SWGQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
99 MC9190-G90SWEQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
100 MC9190-G90SWFQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 43 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
101 MC9190-G90SWGQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
102 MC9190-G90SWJQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53-5250 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
103 MC9190-G50SWEQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager-DPM (SE4500-HD), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
104 MC9190-G80SWEQA6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager-DL (SE4500-DL), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
105 MC9190-GA0SWEQC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
106 MC9190-GA0SWGQC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
107 MC9190-GJ0SWEQC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
108 MC9190-GJ0SWGQC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Long Range Laser (SE1524ER), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
109 MC9190-G30SWEQC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
110 MC9190-G30SWGQC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
111 MC9190-G90SWEQC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
112 MC9190-G90SWGQC6WR  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, condensation-resistant version, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53-VT Key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories.
113 MC9190-G90SWAQA6WR  MC9190-G Wireless, Mobile Computer (TERM, LRI, 802.11a/b/g, 256MB/1GMB, 28 key, Windows Mobile 6.5, IST)
114 MC9190-G30SWAQA6WR  MC9190-G, Wireless Mobile Computer: WLAN 802.11a/b/g, standard range 1D/2D imager, color VGA screen, 256MB/1GB, 28 key, Windows Mobile 6.5, Bluetooth, IST
115 MC9190-G30SWJQA6WR  MC9190-G, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, standard range 1D/2D imager, color VGA screen, 256MB/1GB, 53-5250 key, Windows Mobile 6.5, Bluetooth, IST
116 MC9190-GA0SWHYA6WR  MC9190-G, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, standard range 1D laser, color VGA screen, 256MB/1GB, 53-3270 key, Windows CE 6.0, Bluetooth, IST
117 MC9190-GJ0SWHYA6WR  MC9190-G, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, long range lorax 1D laser, color VGA screen, 256MB/1GB, 53-3270 key, Windows CE 6.0, Bluetooth, IST
118 MC9190-GA0SWEYA6TN-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53 key. Tunisia only. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
119 MC9190-GA0SWEYA6TN  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories. Tunisia only.
120 MC9190-GA0SWEYA6JP-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser SE960, 53 key. Japan only. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
121 MC9190-GA0SWEYA6JP  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 1D Laser (SE960), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories. Japan only.
122 MC9190-G90SWEQA6JP-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager SE4600, 53 key. Japan only. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
123 MC9190-G90SWEQA6JP  MC9190-G, Windows Mobile 6.5, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Long Range Imager (SE4600), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories. Japan only.
124 MC9190-G30SWEYA6TN-KIT  COMPLETE KIT: MC9190-G Complete Kit, Includes everything you need: MC9190-G terminal (Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager SE4500, 53 key. Includes: cradle, USB cable, power supply, and line cord.
125 MC9190-G30SWEYA6TN  MC9190-G, Windows CE 6.0, WLAN 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, 256MB/1GB Flash, 3.7" VGA color display, 2D Imager (SE4500), 53 key. Cables and charging/communications cradles not included. See accessories. Tunisia only.
# No. de Parte Descripción Cotizar
1 COMPLETE KIT: MC9190 USB Starter Kit. Includes everything you need to run your MC9190: charging/communications cradle, USB cable, US power supply and AC line cord.
2 COMPLETE KIT: MC9190 Serial Starter Kit. Includes everything you need to run your MC9190: charging/communications cradle, serial cable, US power supply and AC line cord.
3 US AC line cord, grounded, three wire for power supplies (Part# KT-14000-148R) and (Part# 50-14000-241R)
4 Spare Lithium Ion 2200 mAh Battery for MC90XX-G and MC90XX-K and RD5000 Product Lines Only
5 MC90X0 Wireless Terminal Accessories, Single Slot Cradle Kit for MC9090/MC9190-G (US). Incl: Single Slot Cradle (Part# CRD9000-1001SR), Power supply (Part# PWRS-14000-148R), and US AC Cord (Part# 23844-00-00R).
6 Single slot charging and communications cradle for MC9090/MC9097/MC9000/MC9060/MC9190-G with spare battery charging. Requires RS-232 or USB Comm Cable, Power supply with DC Line Cord (Part# KT-14000-148R) and AC line cord (Part# 23844-00-00R). If charging a spare MC90XX-S battery, (Part# BAP9000-100R) must also be ordered.
7 DS3578-ER Accessories, US AC line cord, un-grounded, two wire for power supplies (Part# 50-14000-266R) (Handheld scanners) and (Part# PWRS-14000-249R) (Mobile Computing) and TEAM desktop charger (Part# DCH6001) (Countries: TW, TH, MX, CO)
8 Power supply (100-240 VAC, 12VDC, 4.16A)
9 MC90XX Cable Adapter (This adapter provides communication to the host or printer and can be used for AC charging. Order RS-232, USB, and printer cable separately. Does not include power supply.) RoHS.
10 Universal Charger-Cradle, Universal Battery Charger-Cradle, Charger Kit. Includes Battery Charger (4-Slot, Battery Charger, ES), Power supply, DC Cord, and US AC Line Cord. (For MC90X0 and MC9190 Batteries)
11 Stylus Gun version gray with tether gray, 3 Pack
12 MC90XX 4-Slot battery charger. Charges 4 spare batteries. Must also order separately 50-14000-242R (power supply), 25-72614-01R (DC Cable), and 23844-00-00R (AC Line Cord). If charging a spare MC90XX-S spare battery, also need to order BAP9000-100R
13 MC90X0 Wireless Terminal Accessories, Cradle Kit (4-Slot, Ethernet, ES)
14 MC90X0 Wireless Terminal Accessories, MC9XX0 Wireless Terminal Accessories, Charging Cradle Kit. Includes Cradle (4-Slot, Charge Only - No Communication, ES), Power supply, DC Line Cord, and US AC Line Cord.
15 Zebra Printer cable. Need to order the (Part# ADP9000-100) to connect printer cable. RoHS. Compatible with MC9090/MC9097/MC9190-G.
16 Soft material holster for the MC909X Gun configurations only. To be used with either belt 11-08062-02R or shoulder strap 58-40000-007R.
17 USB Cable for the cradle to the host system
18 Modem Module for MC1000 Single Slot Cradle. Requires modem cable (Part# 25-63856-01R), not included. RoHS.
19 Power supply (100-240VAC, 12VDC, 9A). Provides power to the Four Slot Charge Only and Ethernet Cradles. Order country specific three wire grounded AC line cord separately.
20 Power, Supply (100-240VAC, 15VDC, 5A)
21 DC Line Cord for 4-Slot Battery Charger (Part# SAC9000-4000R), works with Power supply (Part# 50-14000-242R), for MC9090/MC9097/MC9190-G.
22 Belt for Holster for MC30XX, MC31XX, MC90XX and WT40XX.
23 Protective Boot for MC90XX-G Only.
24 DC cable for power supply 50-14000-241R.
25 4 slot battery charger - requires line cord (Part# 23844-00-00R) & battery adapter. RoHS.
26 MC909X G & K 53-5250 key Keypad
27 AC Line Cord, 1.8M, grounded, USA NEMA 5-15P. Associated Countries: Brazil, United States. For power supplies KT-14000-148R and 50-14000-241R.
28 MC90XX 4 Slot Cradle - Charges 4 terminals only. Order Part# SAC9000-4000R for spare battery charging. Must also order separately Part# 50-14000-241R (power supply), Part# 50-16002-029R (DC Cable), and Part# 23844-00-00R (AC Line Cord). RoHS.
29 4 Slot Ethernet Cradle. Must also purchase Power supply (Part# 50-14000-241R), DC cable (Part# 50-16002-029R), and AC line cord (Part# 23844-00-00R) separately. RoHS.
30 MC90X0 Wireless Terminal Accessories, Cradle Kit (1-Slot, ES, INTL)
31 Cable, USB Cable for Cable Adapter Module (ADP9000-100R must be ordered seperately)
32 Universal shoulder strap.
33 Modem Adapter Cable needed to connect the (Part# MDM9000-100R) (Modem Module) to the MC70, MC75, MC1000, MC3000 and MC9000 Single Slot Cradles. Allows single slot cradle to be used as a modem cradle
34 MC90XX Cable Adapter. (5v - 350mA) for use with long range scanner LS3408ER
35 MC909X G & K 53-VT Key Keypad
36 RS-232 Cable for cradle to the host system
37 Power, AC Line Cord, 1.8M grounded, CIE 23-16 plug. Associated Country: Italy. For power supplies KT-14000-148R and 50-14000-241R.
38 MC909X-G & -K 28 key Keypad
39 MC90XX Fork Lift Cradle High Voltage Power Converter (supports 36, 48, 60 nominal VDC systems)
40 AC Line Cord, 1.8M, grounded, three wire CEE 7/7plug. Associated Countries: Europe, Abu Dhabi, Bolivia, Dubai, Egypt, Iran, Korea, Russia, Vietnam. For power supplies KT-14000-148R and 50-14000-241R.
41 Stylus Gun version gray with tether gray, 50 Pack
42 MC909X G & K 53-3270 key Keypad
43 MC90X0 Wireless Terminal Accessories, Cradle Kit (4-Slot, Charge, ES, INTL)
44 Cable, DEX cables with floating Jack Screws
45 AC Lind Cord, 1.8 M grounded, three wire, BS 546 Plug. Associated Country: India. For power supplies KT-14000-148R and 50-14000-241R.
46 MC90XX Snap on Magnetic Stripe Reader
47 AC Line Cord, 1.8M, grounded, three wire, AS 3112 plug. Associated Country: Australia, China, New Guinea. For power supplies KT-14000-148R and 50-14000-241R.
48 Spare Stylus for MC9000-G Only- 10 Pack
49 Universal Battery Charger Adapter for MC90XX-G and MC90XX-K Only. For standalone charging purchase KT-32665-02R power supply kit. Purchase UBC Base UBC2000-I500DR to charge multiple adapters.
50 Auto charge cable for MC9000,24V, Requires ADP9000-100. RoHS.
51 MC90XX Cradle Bracket. Order one for Single Slot cradle and one for the SAC9000. Order 2 for 4 Slot Cradles. Attaches to the bottom of the cradle.
52 MC9000 Belt Clip (Qty 1)
53 Cable, RS-232 Cable for Cable Adapter Module (ADP9000-100R must be ordered seperately)
54 Spare Stylus for MC9000-G Only- 50 Pack
55 Heated Boot for the MC90XXG configuration. Allows MC90XXG to be used in Freezer Applications.
56 MC90XX Fork Lift Cradle Power Cable
57 MC909X-G & -K 53 key Keypad
58 Keypad, 53 KY White, MC909X-G/K only
59 Wall mounting bracket for MC9000/MC9050/MC9090/MC9097/MC9190. Order one for Single Slot cradle and one for the SAC9000. Order 2 for 4 Slot Cradles. Order Cradle Bracket separately to attach to the wall mount bracket.
60 Cable, (Adapter Cable, 2.5 mm Plug)
61 AC Line Cord, 1.8M, grounded, CEE7/7 plug. Associated Country: Korea. For power supplies KT-14000-148R and 50-14000-241R.
62 MC90XX-G Replacement Handstraps - Pack of 3
63 AC Line Cord, 1.8M, three wire, grounded BS1363 plug. Associated Countries: Hong Kong, Iraq, Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom. For power supplies KT-14000-148R and 50-14000-241R.
64 Power supply for battery charger Part# 21-32665-46R, 15V, RoHS
65 AC Line Cord, 1.8M, grounded, three wire, NEMA 1-15P plug. Associated Countries: Japan. For power supplies KT-14000-148R and 50-14000-241R.
66 AC Line Cord, 1.8M, grounded, three wire, IEC 60320 C13 plug. Associated Country: China. For power supplies KT-14000-148R and 50-14000-241R.
67 Paxar Printer cable
68 O'Neil Printer cable for MC9090/MC9097/MC9190-G. Need to order the (Part# ADP9000-100R) to connect printer cable.
69 UBC - Wall Mount Kit
70 This part is replaced by PWRS-14000-252R. Power, MC90XX Fork Lift Cradle Low Voltage Power converter (supports 12, 24 nominal VDC systems)
71 MC909X G & -K 43 key Keypad
72 This part is replaced by KT-151827-03R. MC90XX Soft Plastic Screen Guards (Pack of 3)
73 GSM Headset (GSM-GPRS headset, with optional 3 ft.-0.9 m extension, provides hands-free, cellular phone capabilities at the point of activity). May also require headset adapter, Part# KT-85990-01R. RoHS.
74 This part is replaced by CRD9000-110SES. 1-Slot Serial Cradle Kit for MC90X0/MC9190: Includes 1-Slot Serial cradle (Part# CRD9000-1001SR), Power supply with DC line cord (Part# KT-14000-148R) and US AC line cord (Part# 23844-00-00R).
76 MC90XX Fork Lift Cradle. Supports MC906X and MC909X configurations (WWAN and WLAN) as well as gun and brick form factors. (Excludes: MC90XX-S and MC90XX-R)
77 MC90XX Fork Lift Cradle High Voltage Kit: Includes MC90XX Fork Lift Cradle (FLC9000-1000R), High Voltage Power Converter (50-14000-251R), Fork Lift Power Input Cable (25-103872-01R)
78 MC90XX Fork Lift Cradle Low Voltage Kit: Includes MC90XX Fork Lift Cradle (FLC9000-1000R), Low Voltage Power Converter (50-14000-252R), Fork Lift Cradle Power Cable (25-103872-01R).
79 This part is replaced by RCH51. Universal Mobile Computer Accessories, RCH50 Rugged Cabled Headset
80 This part is replaced by VCA9002-12R. Cable, (Auto Charge, 9000, 12V)
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